Tuesday, May 29, 2007

29 May 2007

Been flexing the credit card - my favourite cookware was on 1/2 price sale!

A book full of inspiration. Some nice fresh designs.


Bunzy said...

awe sweets

You don't need any help in that department . like I said I'm getting you in as my personal decorater .

New pots , what a pleasure . I'm all for new kitchen goodies!

Lu said...

Aww Bunz you are like a nice warm fuzzy hug on a cold yucky morning! Mwah!

Ros said...

I am jealous of the Le Creuset!! I want orange ones and red ones and blue ones and turquoise ones... lucky lucky fish!

Lu said...

Hahaha I also want ones in every colour! So far I have a blue one and a cream one... they are sooooooo expensive I have to watch for sales with a really beady eye.

Lu said...

ONE even